The World of the Habano

Check your knowledge

Check your knowledge

1 / 10

How many different types of tobacco leaves are required, as a maximum, for making a Habano?

2 / 10

The period of time between sowing the seed for shade-grown tobacco and the end of the harvest is about

3 / 10

What method is applied to produce the highest quality Habanos?

4 / 10

What is the function of the Lector (Reader)?

5 / 10

A Figurado is

6 / 10

A Totalmente a Mano con tripa larga (Totally by Hand with long filler) Habano is

7 / 10

The biggest ring gauge vitola in the Vegas Robaina brand is

8 / 10

A Gran Reserva Habano contains leaves that have been aged for:

9 / 10

The first Habanos Gran Reserva was made in which vitola:

10 / 10

The flavour of the H. Upmann brand can be described as

Your score is


Habanos are made
completely by hand

Find your habano
