XX Habano Festival

XX Habano Festival

Press notes


Habanos World Challenge App (iOS)

Los aficionados de todo el mundo se medirán en el desafío mundial que organiza Habanos, S.A. bajo el nombre de Habanos World Challenge, Concurso que se realizará por primera vez en la XX edición del Festival del Habano.Aficionados all over the world will compete in the World Challenge organized by...

2018 Jan , 17

20th Habanos Festival: Registration opens

The Habanos Festival, the most prestigious event dedicated to Premium Cigars will be held in La Habana from February 26th to March 2nd, 2018.  Its 20th Edition, bodes a wide  program of activities that combines the knowledge about the Habano and the enjoyment of the latest novelties of In this...

2017 Nov , 9


Habanos are made
completely by hand

Find your habano
