
Habanos Caribbean Fest- I Edition. Curaçao 2018

Caribbean Cigars Corporation N.V. exclusive distributor of Habanos S.A. for CentralAmerica and the Caribbean, with Curtrader’s cooperation, sponsored an event thatpromotes the best Premium tobacco in the world outside Cuba, procuring a dazzlingexperience beyond expectations: “Habanos Caribbean Fest”, managed to gather lovers ofHabano, Rum and Cuban Coffee with great success....

2018 Dec , 21

Casa Havaneza of Chiado has been classified as a Monument of Public Interest[:ru]Casa Havaneza de Chiado clasificada como Monumento de Interés Público[:nl]Casa Havaneza de Chiado clasificada como Monumento de Interés Público[:it]Casa Havaneza de Chiado clasificada como Monumento de Interés Público[:fr]Casa Havaneza de Chiado clasificada como Monumento de Interés Público[:pt]Casa Havaneza de Chiado clasificada como Monumento de Interés Público[:de]Casa Havaneza de Chiado clasificada como Monumento de Interés Público

The ancient Casa Havaneza, founded in the historical center of Chiado,Lisbon, with more than 150 years, has been classified as a Monument ofPublic Interest including its integrated furnishing heritage, according to anordinance published on December 7th. 2018 in Diário da República, theofficial publication of Portugal´s government, which highlights the exceptionalnature...

2018 Dec , 20

The Launch of the Montecristo Línea 1935 in Brazil

La Casa del Habano – Esch Café and Emporium Cigars, exclusive distributor of Habanos, S.A. in Brazil, hosted the launch of La Línea 1935 Montecristo, on November 6th in São Paulo. More than 300 guests participated in the event, among clients, customers, sommeliers, stakeholders and digital influencers, lovers of the...

2018 Nov , 30


Habanos are made
completely by hand

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