
510th Anniversary Humidor

A series of 510 numbered humidors is presented to celebrate the 510th anniversary of the arrival of tobacco to the Old World, when Christopher Columbus took with him to Europe the first tobacco plants he had seen after landing on the island of Cuba. Number 510 of this series was...

2003 Apr , 10

Anilla especial de Montecristo para Compay

On occasion of the 94th birthday of Compay Segundo, during the Fiesta celebrated in the pool of the Hotel Nacional de Cuba, in Havana the second fortnight of November, Habanos S.A. gave the famed singer a unique humidor, with 156 cigars Montecristo No. 3 cigars with a very special characteristic:...

2003 Apr , 9

Montecristo Compay 95th Anniversary

Habanos S.A. takes pleasure in introducing the MONTECRISTO COMPAY 95th ANNIVERSARY HUMIDOR, a true work of art that has resulted from the expert hands and great skill of Cuban craftsmen. As a gift on his 95th birthday, the famous singer Compay Segundo received the commemorative humidor that is now presented...

2003 Apr , 9

Humidors Auction 2003

Lot No. 1 PERRENOUD HUMIDOR Humidor with capacity for 400 cigars, decorated by the Cuban painter Carlos Boix. Elaborated and donated by the Swiss company Michel Perrenoud. The humidor is accompanied by a box of each of the Habanos brands: Cohiba, Montecristo, Romeo y Julieta, Partagás and Hoyo de Monterrey....

2003 Feb , 28

Fifth International Cigar Festival Gala Dinner

The Fifth International Cigar Festival rolled down the curtain last Feb. 28 with a gala dinner held in Pabexpo Fairgrounds. All participants and invitees –who spent the last five days delving into the mythical and larger-than-life realm of Cuban cigars- attended the closing ceremony. Besides sampling the best stogies and...

2003 Feb , 28


Habanos are made
completely by hand

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